General Info about my artworks
My technique is a mixture of the different street art techniques, de-collage, paste up, stencils and spraying. I supplement these techniques with influences from classic painting and ink drawing.
I use papers from very old books or newspaper articles to lay the foundations for the main motifs. Sometimes a picture consists of several layers of papers, paintings and spray paint. I'm stacking these techniques until I get the perfect effect I want for the artwork.
I only use high quality and strong glue to layer the papers and prepare the undergrounds.The spray paint I use is a professional acrylic paint with very good and bright color pigments.
Every artwork I made will be sealed with 3 layers of varnish to protect it against UV light and dust.
The best papers for my works are old used books or aged newspapers. In general, however, I use everything that is paper and has been used. Old cardboards and packaging materials as well as stickers or adhesive tape can also result in my picture elements.
I have been making art for about 25 years now. My technique has evolved from classical painting and drawing over elements of street art and the collage to what it is today: T!ME(s)*.
T!ME(s)* is a concept that want to explore what does modern society to old values.Today we use things without questioning how they came into our lives and what their story is.We use some things carelessly and do not think about their history or see their beauty anymore.But without the many little stories and brave people who have changed our history, our way of life would be totally different today.Especially the way the art has enriched our lives in the last 3 centuries is fascinating for me.Sad is the fact that the art of old masters today are no longer welcome and people no longer take the time to look at them as real artworks with a statement.But I think these pictures have lost none of their actuality how they documented a society.
My T!ME(s)* artworks should look like old paintings that have been used for a long time, damaged and repaired several times by a careless society.I want to show that real beauty never dies...and history is never lost...when we just learn to look close enough again!
I love mixing the styles and techniques I've learned over the years into one artwork. For me, combining old with new is the perfect way to express my art and find the answer to what's happening today.
Just write me an email at info@ehrhard-art.de or click here (Contact)
Buying Artworks
Yes...you can!
Just write me an email at info@ehrhard-art.de or click here (Contact) and let me know the following:
- Which artwork you are interested in ( Titel / Name / Description )
- Any further questions about the artwork ,or questions how it is made and how to handle it.
- If you want a list of all the avaiable artworks I can send you a PDF.
Like any work of art, my pictures should be treated with care!
My artworks are carefully prepared for a long life, but .... :
- Please note that you should not expose the artwork to direct sunlight or permanent moisture.
- The artwork is made for indoor use, please do not hang it outdoors where it is exposed to changing weather conditions.
- The artwork is sufficiently protected against dust or UV light, but you can also use it behind glass in a frame.
Yes, but depending on the size I need between 2 and 3 months.
Yes, sometimes ! I can repeat the main theme, but the paper collages and the sprayed details will be different.Therefore every picture in a series is unique and has its own character.